Winning In America


"…and God called some to be evangelists… for the training of the saints in the work of ministry, to build up the body of Christ." 

                                                                                                                                                                          Ephesians 4:11-12.


Our goal is to be faithful to the presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ:

…By partnering with Pastors to lead, train and encourage believers in the church for the Gospel
…By leading evangelistic events in the church and communities
…By leading evangelistic celebrations/crusades in cities domestically and internationally
…By working with Pastors and leaders to strategize an evangelistic plan for long-term results


Each church is its own unique model.  No two churches are identical.  Therefore, it is important to develop a plan for reaching people for Christ that is unique to each church. We will partner with Pastors and church leadership personnel to assist in developing the evangelistic plan for their vision and church ministry.  

DBEA has been leading domestic and international celebration/crusades for several years.  Some of the countries include Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt, Kenya and America.  In outdoor stadiums and indoor arenas to churches of all sizes DBEA has trained and led evangelistic events in places around America and the world. 

But, we have a special concern for the Gospel being proclaimed in America.  Many people will freely express what they feel America needs today.  We, as believers in Jesus Christ, know what the people of our country needs.  It was the passion of the Apostle Paul to help people enter into a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ.  He said, "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved."  (Romans 10:1) 

We want that for America today.  I know you want that for America also.

Let's partner together in the work of reaching people for Jesus Christ…in YOUR community.

Read the steps to develop the plan and then contact us and we'll get started.

God Bless!


What is the best strategy for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ for your church?  In your community?  It's possible that it's not a "one size fits all" plan that will work for your ministry. I'm convinced that it's not easy, but, it's not "Rocket Science" either.  We don't need to complicate it for the family of God to deliver it.  It wasn't easy for the New Testament church.  Look at what the writer of Galatians said in chapter one:

6 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one who called you to live in the grace of Christ and are turning to a different gospel— 7 which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert the gospel of Christ. 8 But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God's curse! 9 As we have already said, so now I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let them be under God's curse!  (Holman CSB)

Some things have not changed.  People continue today, as was the case in Galatia, to throw believers into confusion by "perverting the Gospel of Christ."  I want to assist you in giving more confidence to the family of God you serve for sharing the Gospel.

Sharing the Gospel is my passion.  Working with pastors to encourage others to share the Gospel is also my passion.  We want to offer to you options for working together to get the Gospel from your church to the people in your community.  I recently heard a Pastor of a smaller church say that his church is not large enough to host a fulltime evangelist.  The size of a church does not determine what God can do.  Let's work together and let God bring the results.  The following are some options for which we could work together in your church to further the Gospel in your community.


The first option for sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ is through a church crusade/celebration. There are two options for this ministry… ONE-DAY Event or a FOUR-DAY Event.

We have been leading National and International Crusade/Celebration Ministry for the past several years in Europe, The Middle East, Africa and in America.  It is the ministry in which we have the greatest experience.  God has given great results and many cities and communities have been changed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ through crusade events...including one entire nation! 

A well prepared evangelistic crusade in your church could bring great results in your community and your church.  

A preparation packet will be sent to you to assist you in preparing for a ONE-DAY Event or a FOUR-DAY Event in your church and community.  We will be available to you throughout the preparation process when you have questions that need answered.


Information will be sent to the Pastor in advance to prepare for a four-week TEAM Building Ministry to teach Bridge Building through a short term Small Group ministry or Personal Get-Togethers.  The four-week ministry will conclude with a large gathering for Harvest Sunday on the Sunday following the four-week TEAM Building.  Basic schedule is as follows:


Morning Worship
Lunch at the church with TEAM members recruited by the Pastor for TEAM Building Ministry
During lunch we will lead a Training and Discussion event to prepare for the next four weeks

2. Four-Week TEAM Building Ministry…

Small Groups with options:

In Homes
Personal Get-Togethers
Creative Get-Togethers

3.  Harvest Sunday…

A simple event for inviting friends from the Small Groups and Get-Togethers to share with us
DBEA will work with the Pastor and leadership to make this event the most effective for the presentation of the Gospel     
A brief training meeting with leaders for carrying on the plans for making this a lifestyle ministry of the church
This event will be Sunday Morning for most, but, can also be done on Sunday Evening (if more effective)

In preparation for our first Sunday together be familiar with the Three Circles of Life sharing guide.



Growing a church in America is interesting.  Most of our evangelical churches have an attendance of less than 150 each week. Pastors have a vision and a desire to reach people in their communities.  There is a good "spirit" among the people.  Everyone is friendly.  But, they experience people visiting their church then discover that there are issues that keep them from returning.

Issues they face may be:

…No one to lead the Children's Ministry
…No one to lead our Youth Ministry
…The Music Ministry needs more participants
…Not enough leaders
…Not enough money

Let's sit down and discuss it with the leaders of the church.  Through discussion and prayer with the Pastor and with leaders…we'll develop a plan.   We'll incorporate the TEAM MINISTRY plan into the custom plan for your church.

As a Pastor I know you will enjoy someone coming along with you as a partner for reaching people for Jesus Christ. 

These four weeks together can be a life-changing experience for the people and church you pastor and for the community you serve.




Contact us for more information:




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