
Hey, You Remind Me of Jesus!


Good Morning!

How would you feel if someone told you that you reminded them of Jesus? How great of a compliment would that be? I would think there would be no greater compliment than to have someone say that you remind them of Jesus!

In Matthew 16:13-14, this statement was made.  

"When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Phillipi, He asked His disciples, 

'Who do people say that the Son of Man is?'

And they said, 'Some say John the Baptist; 

others, Elijah; still others, Jeremiah...'"  

A few years ago I did a study on the parallels of the lives of Jesus and Jeremiah. Look at what I discovered:  

1. Both were raised in small villages (Nazareth and Anathoth)

2. Both left their homes for smaller missions

3. Both were rejected by their home villages during their ministries 

4. The enemies of both plotted against them

5. Both remained unmarried (Very unusual for a Jewish man)

6. Both drew support from a small circle of friends (Jeremiah: Barach and his family; Jesus: His disciples)  

7. Both told the people that they had turned God's house into a den of thieves 

8. Both wept over their people 

9. Both believed that God's people would win out in the end

The disciples told Jesus that there was something about Him that reminded them of Jeremiah. That was a great compliment for the life of Jeremiah!

How do people speak about you? Has anyone told you that you remind them of Jesus? You know, there are plenty of tests given to you to show people Jesus. 

For example...

What is your response when someone makes you angry...mad? Do you respond in a way that reminds people of Jesus? Or are you looking for a way to get your revenge? When someone says something to you that angers you how do you respond? Do you remind people of Jesus?

I suppose the one thing that tests my patience is when someone drives like a maniac. Crossing the centerline, pulling out in front of me, driving recklessly, etc. I have a tendency to blow my horn when encountered with such erratic driving. Just last week I met someone driving without common sense and I blew my horn. I looked over at Linda and said, "I am so glad God created horns!"  

What about your response to political issues and elections? Do you take a side and rip up someone who does not agree with you? Do you think your response reflects the life of Jesus? Even to those soldiers who worked for politicians and placed Jesus on a cross, He was heard saying, "Father, forgive them because they do not know what they are doing." Luke 23:34.

I place a lot more value on the condition of someone's soul than I do on their political opinions. It is better for believers to not burn bridges in their relationships so they keep the door open to be a witness and a disciple for Jesus. Political division is not worth the discourse.  

When you share your political opinion it hardly reminds other people that you look like Jesus! Jesus...when He was being interrogated by the politician, Pilate, showed Him love and respect and was kind to him.  

What is your response when someone in your family...spouse or children... makes a choice that is not pleasing to you? Do you respond with an attitude that reminds them of the life of Jesus? Does your response help heal the problem or does your response create a sharper divide?

What is your response when someone in your church or in your spiritual world disagrees with you? Is it at that point that you are ready to find a new church and become a "church-hopper"? Do you respond by lashing out against them? Do you call someone else in the church and "share a concern you have" with them? (THAT'S CALLED GOSSIP!) Does your response show them a picture of what Jesus would do?

I could go on and on, but, I think you get the picture. Jeremiah's life looked like Jesus. People were even claiming that Jesus reminded them of Jeremiah.  

I challenge YOU to remind people of Jesus. Someone make you mad? Pray for them. Let the words you say in response go to God and NOT to other people. And CERTAINLY NOT ON FACEBOOK!!! For many people, Facebook has become the cowardly way of voicing an opinion. Therefore, while on Facebook you can remind people of Jesus. Look like Jesus on Facebook and Twitter.  

Okay. Today is your day to begin reminding people of what Jesus looked like!


May God Bless You!

Don Betts





Hey, You Remind Me of Jesus!


Good Morning!

How would you feel if someone told you that you reminded them of Jesus? How great of a compliment would that be? I would think there would be no greater compliment than to have someone say that you remind them of Jesus!

In Matthew 16:13-14, this statement was made.  

"When Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Phillipi, He asked His disciples, 

'Who do people say that the Son of Man is?'

And they said, 'Some say John the Baptist; 

others, Elijah; still others, Jeremiah...'"  

A few years ago I did a study on the parallels of the lives of Jesus and Jeremiah. Look at what I discovered:  

1. Both were raised in small villages (Nazareth and Anathoth)

2. Both left their homes for smaller missions

3. Both were rejected by their home villages during their ministries 

4. The enemies of both plotted against them

5. Both remained unmarried (Very unusual for a Jewish man)

6. Both drew support from a small circle of friends (Jeremiah: Barach and his family; Jesus: His disciples)  

7. Both told the people that they had turned God's house into a den of thieves 

8. Both wept over their people 

9. Both believed that God's people would win out in the end

The disciples told Jesus that there was something about Him that reminded them of Jeremiah. That was a great compliment for the life of Jeremiah!

How do people speak about you? Has anyone told you that you remind them of Jesus? You know, there are plenty of tests given to you to show people Jesus. 

For example...

What is your response when someone makes you angry...mad? Do you respond in a way that reminds people of Jesus? Or are you looking for a way to get your revenge? When someone says something to you that angers you how do you respond? Do you remind people of Jesus?

I suppose the one thing that tests my patience is when someone drives like a maniac. Crossing the centerline, pulling out in front of me, driving recklessly, etc. I have a tendency to blow my horn when encountered with such erratic driving. Just last week I met someone driving without common sense and I blew my horn. I looked over at Linda and said, "I am so glad God created horns!"  

What about your response to political issues and elections? Do you take a side and rip up someone who does not agree with you? Do you think your response reflects the life of Jesus? Even to those soldiers who worked for politicians and placed Jesus on a cross, He was heard saying, "Father, forgive them because they do not know what they are doing." Luke 23:34.

I place a lot more value on the condition of someone's soul than I do on their political opinions. It is better for believers to not burn bridges in their relationships so they keep the door open to be a witness and a disciple for Jesus. Political division is not worth the discourse.  

When you share your political opinion it hardly reminds other people that you look like Jesus! Jesus...when He was being interrogated by the politician, Pilate, showed Him love and respect and was kind to him.  

What is your response when someone in your family...spouse or children... makes a choice that is not pleasing to you? Do you respond with an attitude that reminds them of the life of Jesus? Does your response help heal the problem or does your response create a sharper divide?

What is your response when someone in your church or in your spiritual world disagrees with you? Is it at that point that you are ready to find a new church and become a "church-hopper"? Do you respond by lashing out against them? Do you call someone else in the church and "share a concern you have" with them? (THAT'S CALLED GOSSIP!) Does your response show them a picture of what Jesus would do?

I could go on and on, but, I think you get the picture. Jeremiah's life looked like Jesus. People were even claiming that Jesus reminded them of Jeremiah.  

I challenge YOU to remind people of Jesus. Someone make you mad? Pray for them. Let the words you say in response go to God and NOT to other people. And CERTAINLY NOT ON FACEBOOK!!! For many people, Facebook has become the cowardly way of voicing an opinion. Therefore, while on Facebook you can remind people of Jesus. Look like Jesus on Facebook and Twitter.  

Okay. Today is your day to begin reminding people of what Jesus looked like!


May God Bless You!

Don Betts






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