
Do You Hear God?


Good Morning!

In my book The Map: Off With the Old and On With the New I tell the story of a young man who gave his life to Jesus. I received a call Saturday from a friend who was flying back home from Montana and was laid over in Chicago. He told me he was reading my book and had gotten through chapter seven. He said he liked the story about the young man from Lebanon named Samer. Samer is a picture of what God can do when someone commits their life 100% to the work of God. You see it in his face. You notice it in his walk. You hear it in his voice...and...last night I heard his voice again. Samer called me last night, totally unexpected, and it took me back a few years to the evangelistic crusades in Lebanon. He is now in America working with Arabs in New Jersey. Samer sent to me his email address and I know he is reading this email. Thank you, Samer, for loving Jesus so much!  


What about Jeremiah? Have you ever prayed and listened to God's response? Some people think that God does not speak today. If that is true...who have I been listening to all these years? It's God!!! If you haven't heard God answer your prayers it could be that you are NOT listening. Maybe you've gone spiritually deaf to the voice of God. Or, could it be, that you have built a wall between you and God that He is wanting you to tear down but you refuse. Maybe your relationship with God has been so distant that when you pray you do all the talking and none of the listening. Possibly your conscience is relieved by your relationship with God because YOU are in charge.

There is one thing I know for sure. God has plenty to say to you. Several times when Jeremiah prayed...God answered. In chapter 32:16-25, Jeremiah prays. In Jeremiah 32:26-44...God gives His reply to Jeremiah. In chapter 33 God continues His reply by telling Jeremiah what the future looks like for Israel and especially Jerusalem. These conversations take place just days and weeks before Jerusalem falls and is taken by the enemy. This news alone was disturbing to Jeremiah. This was the home that he loved.  

But...God had good news for Jeremiah. Read Jeremiah 33:10-11:

"This is what the Lord says: 

'In this place, which you say is a ruin, without man or beast--

that is, in Judah's cities and Jerusalem's streets 

that are a desolation without man, without inhabitant, and without beast--

there will be heard again a sound of joy and gladness, 

the voice of the groom and the bride, and the voice of those saying,

  Praise the Lord of hosts,

  for the Lord is good;

  His faithful love endures forever

as they bring thank offerings to the temple of the Lord. 

For I will restore the fortunes of the land as in former times,' says the Lord."  


God's response to Jeremiah's prayer was a welcome relief. Bad stuff is going to happen, but, God proves that HE is in control and the blessings are coming! God cannot allow the sins of people to go unpunished, but, He will bless His children.  

The destruction came to Jerusalem in 586 BC. I have been to Jerusalem many times and I can assure you that God has kept His promise. The streets of Old Jerusalem are booming with people. The city within the old walls of Jerusalem is popping with life today. The market places are open and filled with customers. There are evangelistic churches in the old city...for Arabs and Jews. They are growing and reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The streets of Jerusalem are vibrant today...just as God revealed to Jeremiah when He replied to his prayer.


What about your prayers? Is God responding to your prayers? Are you taking the time to allow Him to answer you when you call upon Him?  

In the book, I spoke earlier about there is a section that draws a map for praying. The map for praying is specific to you and me. I encourage you to read it and try it on for size. It may be possible that God is waiting for you to allow Him to answer your prayers. He's just waiting for you to allow Him to speak to your life. Listen to Him. He will answer you when you give Him the time and opportunity.


May God Bless You!

Don Betts






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