
Are You Running Well?


Good Afternoon!

When I read the next passage in Galatians chapter five My mind wanders in many directions. Read vv. 7-10:

"You were running well. Who prevented you from obeying the truth?

This persuasion did NOT come from Him who called you.

A little yeast leavens the whole lump of dough.

In the Lord, I have confidence in you that you will not accept any other view.

But whoever it is who is troubling you will pay the penalty."

Linda and I are from Cleveland, Ohio. We are sports fans which include the Indians, Cavaliers, and especially the Browns (Don't laugh). Last night we watched our Browns play Lamar Jackson (Baltimore Ravens). We weren't doing so well until later in the second half. The Browns came back from a two-touchdown deficit to take the lead. Then Lamar Jackson took his talents to the house and took the lead. The Browns came back and tied the score. Jackson went to the locker room with leg cramps. His backup could not move the ball. Time was running out. The cameras showed Jackson running back onto the field to help his team. With one minute remaining he took his team close enough for a 55-yard field goal to win the game.  

The Browns were running well. They were close to winning the game...BUT...Lamar Jackson. They were calling him Superman. He stopped us from "running well."

A friend sent to me a video last night concerning the chaos that was created at a church in Florida. A church that had a pastor who was leading well and leading people to Jesus Christ and growing the kingdom of God. But, something happened. With the change of leadership personnel who had different goals in mind than the pastor, the church made drastic changes. It led to divisions and the downfall of a great ministry in a once-great church. The social divisions that our country has faced during the past several months entered into the church and Satan is having his way. A multicultural congregation began to call each other racists and the hatred and name-calling began.  

I have never understood why people have a desire to label someone racist when they are not racist. It seems to be a person becomes judgmental when declaring someone else to be something they are not.  

I know the Devil is using this time of social sin and degradation in our nation to divide what is good. The Great Commission does NOT give us the right to judge others and break relationships with our brothers and sisters in Christ. Why allow our differences to divide us? How does that honor God? Who cares if I eat at the same table as someone who believes differently than I? What about skin color? Who gives you the right to claim I'm racist if I don't have the same skin color as you? NONE! NO ONE! I'm not racist. God simply made our skin different but not our hearts and souls. God created all of us. He loves us the same. He has a plan for all our lives. The same heaven is for all of us.  

So, what prevented you from running well? What is preventing God's church from running well? This entrance of sin into our churches causes division among friends and family. Sadly, I know that to be true by my own experience. This kind of chasm must break the heart of God. 

I don't want to sound mean, but, it is time for believers to grow up. Quit infringing on the freedom of others just because they don't think like you or look like you. Let's be God's children. Lay aside the differences and begin running well again...together. 

Some people will make a stand that looks like the right stand, but, begins demanding his way is the right way and you are wrong intellectually or you are an out-of-touch 20th century Christian or you just have no idea what is right. First, make sure you are NOT one of these people. It is a great problem with religious leaders, Professors, Pastors, Denominational Leaders, church leaders, etc. The position does not mean a person is always right.  

Your position in Jesus Christ determines if you're right. This is what makes you run well in your life with God.

Things like...

Loving God and loving others as yourself. 

Standing the in Freedom that God has given to you not desiring to go back into your life of law and legalism.            

Like running the race God has given to you with patience and always focusing your eyes upon Jesus.  

Obeying the Truth and having the God-given sense to know what is NOT Truth. 

Being a Peace-maker. 

Being Faithful to the One whom we are celebrating this month...Jesus!  


I pray that your wisdom will come from God...not the opinions of someone else.  


May God Bless You!

Don Betts



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